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With…you…(TV EDIT)/Normal

With…you…(TV EDIT)/Normal

English Title With…you…
Song Type Character Song
Character Haqua du Lot Herminium
Seiyū Saori Hayami
Album Kaminomi Character Song- Track 000
Release Date September 4, 2013 Edit) is an original song sung by Saori Hayami as Haqua du Lot Herminium.


Translated by GreenMoriyama

Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
青い空を Aoi sora wo The blue sky
一緒に眺めてた  Issho ni nagame teta  we gazed at together
今日は少し雰囲気違うね Kyō wa sukoshi fun'iki chigau ne Today, there is a different atmosphere
素直に云えないけれど Sunao ni ienai keredo Though I can't say the truth
キミのこと凄いと想ってる Kimi no koto sugoi to omotteru I think that you are amazing
儚いほど美しきセカイ Hakanai hodo utsukushiki sekai A world more beautiful than it is fickle
運命が戸惑う夜にも With…You… Unmei ga tomadou yoru ni mo With…You… Even on the nights when fate is bewildered,
誰よりいちばん近くにいたい Dare yori ichiban chikakuni itai I want to be closer to you than anyone else
明日を照らす季節の中で… Asu wo terasu kisetsu no naka de… Within the scenery that shines upon tomorrow...
瞳の奥何を見ているの? Hitomi no oku nani wo mite iru no? What are you looking beyond those eyes?
私が必要だって Watashi ga hitsuyō datte If I am I needed
はっきり伝えて心から Hakkiri tsutaete kokoro kara Say that clearly from your heart
キミのそばで満ちてゆくセカイ Kimi no soba de michite yuku sekai A world where I feel fulfilled being beside you
瞬間の闇を断ち切ってWith…You… Shunkan no yami wo tachikitte With… You… Cutting off the moments within the darkness,
たとえ痛みでも抱きしめられる Tatoe itami demo dakishime rareru Even if you need to embrace the pain
目覚めだした誇りを胸に Mezame dashita hokori wo mune ni Keep the pride that has awoken within that heart
Forever with you Forever with you Forever with you
遅れてごめんね… Okurete gomen ne… Sorry that I am late...
その先の景色のムコウへ Sono-saki no keshiki no mukō e Towards the scenery beyond there
飛び越えてゆこう Tobi koete yukou Let's overcome and leap forward
儚いほど美しきセカイ Hakanai hodo utsukushiki sekai A world more beautiful than it is fickle
運命が戸惑う夜にもWith…You… Unmei ga tomadou yoru nimo With… You… Even on the nights when fate is bewildered,
誰よりいちばん近くにいたい Dare yori ichiban chikakuni itai I want to be closer to you than anyone else
明日を照らす季節の中で… Asu wo terasu kisetsu no naka de… Within the scenery that shines upon tomorrow...

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Haqua du Lot Herminium Character Song - With you...
