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Vale-Vale Valentine is a song from Sakura-Iro Sotsugyou/Vale-Vale Valentine album, sung by Kanon Nakagawa starring Nao Toyama.

Vale-Vale Valentine

Vale-Vale Valentine

Kanji Title バレバレ・バレンタイン
Romaji Title Bare Bare Barentain
English Title Exposed Valentine
Song Type Character Song
Character Kanon
Seiyū Nao Toyama
Album Vale Vale Valentine : Starring Nao Toyama
Release Date March 3, 2012


Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
下駄箱前で 君に偶然遭遇 横目チラリ Getabako mae de kimi ni guuzen sougou yokome chirari In front of the shoeboxes, I coincidentially encounter you as I took a look to the side.
零れ落ちるチョコの滝 やっぱり学園ヒーロー Kobore ochiru choko no taki yappari gakuen hiro You're definitely this school's Hero, as many chocolates fall from your box
授業そっちのけ 君の背中見つめる Jugyou sotchinoke no senaka mitsumeru I stare at your back, ignoring class
いきなり目と目が ゴッツンコ Ikinari me to me ga gottsunko Our eyes abruptly meet each other
意味深スマイル もしかして Imishin sumairu moshikashite You make a suggestive smile, could it be..
バレバレ バレンタイン バレバレ バレンタイン Barebare Barentain barebare Barentain Vale-Vale Valentine, Exposed Valentine
見透かされてる恋心 どうしよう Misukasa re teru koigokoro dou shiyou What should I do, as my heart has been seen through
アレコレ危険ライン アレコレ危険ライン Arekore kiken rain arekore kiken rain Here and there, here and there are lines of danger
世界で一番 好きなんです Sekai de ichiban sukinan desu I love you the most in the whole world
放課後教室 君に群がるライバルたち Houkago kyoushitsu kimi ni muragaru raibaru tachi All my rivals who crowd around you in class after school
カバンに残るチョコの箱 しょんぼり一人廊下 Kaban ni nokoru choko no hako shonbori hitori rouka I stand alone in the hall, with my box of chocolate in my bag
黄昏溜息 君を空に浮かべて Tasogare tameiki kimi wo sora ni ukabete At dusk, I sighed as an image of you floated in the sky
好きです 一人で呟いた Sukidesu hitori de tsubuyaita I mumbled "I love you" to myself
「俺もだよ」って 声がした `Ore mo dayo' tte koe ga shita And I heard a voice say "I do too"
ハレバレ バレンタイン ハレバレ バレンタイン Harebare Barentain harebare Barentain Bright Valentine, Cheerful Valentine
心の銀紙開いて プレゼント Kokoro no gingami aite purezento I open silver paper in my heart with the present
デレデレ バレンタイン デレデレ バレンタイン Deredere Barentain deredere Barentain Infatuated Valentine, love-struck Valentine
世界で一番 幸せです Sekai de ichiban shiawase desu I'm the happiest one in the world
ファーストキスは チョコの味 Fasuto kisu wa choko no aji My first kiss tasted like chocolate
甘くて 君に溶けちゃうよ Amakute kimi ni toke chau yo It was so sweet that I melted
バレバレ バレンタイン バレバレ バレンタイン Barebare Barentain barebare Barentain Vale-Vale Valentine, Exposed Valentine
見透かされてる恋心 どうしよう Misukasa re teru koigokoro dou shiyou What should I do, as my heart has been seen through
アレコレ危険ライン アレコレ危険ライン Arekore kiken rain arekore kiken rain Here and there, here and there are lines of danger
世界で一番 好きなんです Sekai de ichiban sukinan desu I love you the most in the whole world

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