Kami to Akuma to Tenshi

Inori to Noroi to Kiseki
There are two known light novels for the series The World God Only Knows. The first known title, The World God Only Knows―God and the Devil and an Angel, appeared in the Japanese book stores on May 19, 2009. The second title, The World God Only Knows 2 ―'Prayer and Curse and Miracle, appeared on May 18, 2010. They were published by Shogakukan under the GAGAGA Bunko label. The series are not directly related to the manga series of Tamiki Wakaki but has an original story line that follows the manga's setting. The second volume of the novel includes Haqua as a guest character from the original series. The series is written by Mamizu Arisawa while the illustrations are drawn by Tamiki Wakaki. The third is yet to appear...
Known Novels of Kaminomi
- Volume 1: The World God Only Knows - God and the Devil and an Angel (神のみぞ知るセカイ―神と悪魔と天使, Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Kami to Akuma to Tenshi)
- Volume 2: The World God Only Knows 2 Prayer and Curse and Miracle (神のみぞ知るセカイ 2 ―祈りと呪いとキセキ, Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Inori to Noroi to Kiseki)