The World God Only Knows Wiki
Goddess Arc OST cover1

Cover featuring protagonist Keima Katsuragi

The World God Only Knows Goddesses Arc Original Soundtrack (神のみぞ知るセカイ 女神篇 Original Soundtrack) is a soundtrack album containing the background music from The World God Only Knows: Tenri Arc and The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Arc.


  • Release Date: 25 December 2013 (Rescheduled from 30 October due to Kanon's album)
  • Publisher: Geneon Universal Entertainment
  • Release Price: ¥3,360


Disc 1[]

  1. Time Limit (タイムリミット)
  2. God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) (God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract))
  3. Meddling Goddess (おせっかいな女神)
  4. Sad Memory of Love (切ない恋の記憶)
  5. The Way of the Bonds feat. Kanon Nakagawa (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.中川かのん (TV EDIT))
  6. Lune of Vintage (ヴィンテージのリューネ)
  7. Goddess Conquest (女神攻略)
  8. The Little Girl who Loved the Moon (月を愛でる小さき少女)
  9. The Power of the Justice-Loving Goddess (正義を愛する女神の力)
  10. The Way of the Bonds feat. Tsukiyo Kujo (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.九条月夜 (TV EDIT))
  11. Beauty in Kimono (和装の麗人)
  12. Beauty in Male Clothing (男装の麗人)
  13. Goddess of Battle (戦いの女神)
  14. The Way of the Bonds feat. Yui Goido (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.五位堂結 (TV EDIT))
  15. Simone and Kashiragi (シモーネとカシラギ)
  16. About Me. (私について。)
  17. Goddess of Wisdom and Intellectual Power (知恵と知力の女神)
  18. The Way of the Bonds feat. Shiori Shiomiya (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.汐宮栞 (TV EDIT))
  20. Love, Again (恋、再び)
  21. Snow from my Eyes (TV EDIT) (瞳からスノー (TV EDIT))
  22. The Goddess who Fell in Love with the God (神に恋した女神)
  23. The Way of the Bonds feat. Tenri Ayukawa (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.鮎川天理 (TV EDIT))
  24. The Devil who Loved God (神に恋した悪魔)
  25. With... you... (TV EDIT) (With…you… (TV EDIT))
  26. First Love (初恋)
  27. Friend's Love (友達の恋)
  28. The First Heroine ~ The Last Goddess (最初のヒロイン~最後の女神)
  29. The Way of the Bonds feat. Ayumi Takahara (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.高原歩美 (TV EDIT))
  30. Traditional Demons Association (Vintage) (正統悪魔社(ヴィンテージ))
  31. The Power of the Awakening Sisters (目覚めし姉妹の力)
  32. The Way of the Bonds (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ (TV-EDIT))
  33. The Memory of my First Love (Goddesses Arc Episode 12 TV EDIT) (初めて恋をした記憶 (女神篇#12 TV EDIT))
  34. The Sign of Love (Goddesses Arc TV EDIT) (コイノシルシ (女神篇TV EDIT))

Disc 2[]

  1. Reunion (再会)
  2. Restless Feeling of Distance (穏やかならぬ距離感)
  3. Horned District Chief (角付きの地区長)
  4. Valuable Friend (大切なともだち)
  5. Determined and Forcible Scheme (したたかで強引な作戦)
  6. Secret (秘密)
  7. Childhood Friend (幼馴染み)
  8. About the Atrocity of that Demon (その悪魔凶暴につき)
  9. God and Goddess (神と女神)
  10. The Miracle of Light (OVA EDIT) (ヒカリノキセキ (OVA EDIT))
  11. Recalled Memories (蘇る記憶)
  12. The Summer of Ten Years Ago (十年前の夏)
  13. Unforgettable Memories (忘れえぬ想い出)
  14. Pure Goddess (純潔の女神)
  15. Love ~ The First Kiss (恋~はじめての口づけ)
  16. Chance Meeting (邂逅)
  17. Door to the Future (OVA EDIT) (未来への扉 (OVA EDIT))


