Cover featuring protagonist Keima Katsuragi
The World God Only Knows Goddesses Arc Original Soundtrack (神のみぞ知るセカイ 女神篇 Original Soundtrack) is a soundtrack album containing the background music from The World God Only Knows: Tenri Arc and The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Arc.
- Release Date: 25 December 2013 (Rescheduled from 30 October due to Kanon's album)
- Publisher: Geneon Universal Entertainment
- Release Price: ¥3,360
Disc 1[]
- Time Limit (タイムリミット)
- God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) (God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract))
- Meddling Goddess (おせっかいな女神)
- Sad Memory of Love (切ない恋の記憶)
- The Way of the Bonds feat. Kanon Nakagawa (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.中川かのん (TV EDIT))
- Lune of Vintage (ヴィンテージのリューネ)
- Goddess Conquest (女神攻略)
- The Little Girl who Loved the Moon (月を愛でる小さき少女)
- The Power of the Justice-Loving Goddess (正義を愛する女神の力)
- The Way of the Bonds feat. Tsukiyo Kujo (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.九条月夜 (TV EDIT))
- Beauty in Kimono (和装の麗人)
- Beauty in Male Clothing (男装の麗人)
- Goddess of Battle (戦いの女神)
- The Way of the Bonds feat. Yui Goido (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.五位堂結 (TV EDIT))
- Simone and Kashiragi (シモーネとカシラギ)
- About Me. (私について。)
- Goddess of Wisdom and Intellectual Power (知恵と知力の女神)
- The Way of the Bonds feat. Shiori Shiomiya (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.汐宮栞 (TV EDIT))
- Love, Again (恋、再び)
- Snow from my Eyes (TV EDIT) (瞳からスノー (TV EDIT))
- The Goddess who Fell in Love with the God (神に恋した女神)
- The Way of the Bonds feat. Tenri Ayukawa (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.鮎川天理 (TV EDIT))
- The Devil who Loved God (神に恋した悪魔)
- With... you... (TV EDIT) (With…you… (TV EDIT))
- First Love (初恋)
- Friend's Love (友達の恋)
- The First Heroine ~ The Last Goddess (最初のヒロイン~最後の女神)
- The Way of the Bonds feat. Ayumi Takahara (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ feat.高原歩美 (TV EDIT))
- Traditional Demons Association (Vintage) (正統悪魔社(ヴィンテージ))
- The Power of the Awakening Sisters (目覚めし姉妹の力)
- The Way of the Bonds (TV EDIT) (キズナノユクエ (TV-EDIT))
- The Memory of my First Love (Goddesses Arc Episode 12 TV EDIT) (初めて恋をした記憶 (女神篇#12 TV EDIT))
- The Sign of Love (Goddesses Arc TV EDIT) (コイノシルシ (女神篇TV EDIT))
Disc 2[]
- Reunion (再会)
- Restless Feeling of Distance (穏やかならぬ距離感)
- Horned District Chief (角付きの地区長)
- Valuable Friend (大切なともだち)
- Determined and Forcible Scheme (したたかで強引な作戦)
- Secret (秘密)
- Childhood Friend (幼馴染み)
- About the Atrocity of that Demon (その悪魔凶暴につき)
- God and Goddess (神と女神)
- The Miracle of Light (OVA EDIT) (ヒカリノキセキ (OVA EDIT))
- Recalled Memories (蘇る記憶)
- The Summer of Ten Years Ago (十年前の夏)
- Unforgettable Memories (忘れえぬ想い出)
- Pure Goddess (純潔の女神)
- Love ~ The First Kiss (恋~はじめての口づけ)
- Chance Meeting (邂逅)
- Door to the Future (OVA EDIT) (未来への扉 (OVA EDIT))