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The Memory of My First Love (Song)

The Memory of My First Love (Song)

Kanji Title 初めて恋をした記憶
Romaji Title Hajimete koi o shita kioku
Title The Memory of My First Love
Artist Chihiro Kosaka
Starting Episode 4 Girls and an Idol (first airing)
Ending Episode The Memory of My First Love (second airing)
Ending Song Guide
Ai no Yokan

The Way of the Bonds

The Miracle of Light

The Memory of My First Love (Song) is the ending theme song of 4 Girls and an Idol OVA.


Translations: Triplicate, Green Moriyama.

Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
変わりゆく日常に飲み込まれたまま kawari yuku nichijou ni nomi komareta mama Swallowed up by the changing days
恋愛 なんてしないと思ってた ren'ai nante shinai to omotteta I didn’t think that I would be in love
人を好きになるのは理屈じゃないみたい hito wo suki ni naru no wa rikutsu janai mitai It seems you don't need a reason to like someone
私恋をしたよ watashi koi o shita yo I fell in love
もう一度動き出す mou ichido ugokidasu Once again, it begins to move
淡く愛しい日々 awaku itoshi hibi The lovely days which are fleeting things
二度ない瞬間と感触は nido nai shunkan to kanshoku wa The moment and feeling that will never come twice
消えていたけれど kiete ita keredo Even if they disappear
心にまだ残る純粋と kokoro ni mada nokoru junsui to In the heart, they will still remain pure, along with
初めて恋をした記憶. hajimete koi o shita kioku. The memories of my first love
にぎやかな町並みを走ってすり抜けた Nigiyaka na machinami wo hashitte surinuketa Running through the lively city streets
君の姿今すぐ見たくて Kimi no sugata ima sugu mitakute I want to see you right now
走った分時々鼓動をプラスした Hashitta bun toki doki kodou wo purasu shita My heartbeat plus-ed the more I ran
私、恋をしたよ Watashi koi wo shita yo I fell in love
目を閉じて、思い出す Me wo tojite omoidasu I close my eyes and remember
甘く恋し、声 Amaku koishi, koe Your sweet and beloved voice
傷つく事ばかり考えて Kizu tsuku koto bakari kangaete Thinking only of the hurtful things
止まっていたんだ Tomatte itanda I stood still
再び動き出す純粋と Futatabi ugokidasu junsui to The purity began to move again, long with
初めて恋をした記憶. hajimete koi o shita kioku. The memories of my first love
二度ない瞬間と感触は nido nai shunkan to kanshoku wa The moment and feeling that will never come twice
消えていたけれど kiete ita keredo Even if they disappear
心にまだ残る純粋と kokoro ni mada nokoru junsui to In the heart, they will still remain pure, along with
初めて恋をした記憶. hajimete koi o shita kioku. The memories of my first love

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Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai - Hajimete Koi wo shita kioku 2B Pencils and Kanon
