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The Melancholy of the Samurai Girl

The Melancholy of the Samurai Girl

Kanji Title 侍少女の憂鬱
Romaji Title Samurai shōjo no yūutsu
English Title The melancholy of the Samurai girl
Song Type Character Song
Character Kusunoki
Seiyū Ami Koshimizu
Album Kaminomi Character Song- Track 5
Release Date June 1, 2011

The Melancholy of the Samurai Girl is an original song sung by Ami Koshimizu as Kusunoki Kasuga.

Song Guide[]

Kusunoki's part
Feminine Kusunoki's part


Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
心技体Love×SAMURAIガール shingitai Love×SAMURAI GAARU Heart, skill, body Love×SAMURAI girl
信じたいLove×Don`t Cry Girl shinjitai Love×Don't Cry Girl I wish to believe Love×Don't Cry Girl
志、誇り高く 目指す道へ向かって kokorozashi, hokori takaku mezasu michi e mukatte With big pride and will, let's go towards path we're aiming for
一本気 意気込むけど 違和感でざわめいてるハート ippongi ikikomu kedo iwakande zawameiteru HAATO I may be spirited with monotony, my heart is filled with uneasiness
弱みを見せずじっと忍耐 yowami o mesezu jitto nintai Without overlooking my weakness, quietly patient
だけど本音はかなり限界 dakedo honne wa kanari genkai But in truth, I'm rather at my limit
気合い!気合い! 潔く定めた想い kiai! kiai! isagiyoi sadameta omoi Be spirited! Be spirited! Manfully decide the feelings
君のとなりで変わる世界 kimi no tonari de kawaru sekai When I am beside you, the world changes
武勇伝よりも I love youを届けたい buyuuden yori mo I love you o todoketai I want this "I love you" that's more than a martial story
真剣勝負でぶつかって 不器用なほどまっすぐに shinken shoubu de butsukatte bukiyouna hodo massugu ni Charging in as a real fight, moving straight-forward in clumsiness
極めても奥が深い 技さえキマらぬ純愛事情 kiwamete mo oku no fukai waza sae kimaranu junaijijou Even if I reach the top, the reasons of pure love can only chose the moves deep inside me
断然 乙女は素敵です 可愛く凛々しくたくましく nanzen otome wa suteki desu kawaiku rinrinshiku takumashiku The thousands of maidens are beautiful, so cute, so intense, so bold
心から強くなったら 一花繚乱を咲かせよう kokoro kara tsuyoku nattara ikkaryouran o sakaseyou If I become strong from within, I'll bloom a single flower
そしてまた君に逢いたい soshite mata kimi ni aitai And also, I want to meet you again
心技体Love×SAMURAIガール shingitai Love×SAMURAI GAARU Heart, skill, body Love×SAMURAI girl
夢見たいLove×Don`t Cry Girl yume mitai Love×Don't Cry Girl I wish to see a dream Love×Don't Cry Girl
精神を研ぎすまして 煩悩さえ脱ぎ去って seishin o togisumashite bonnou sae nugisatte Sharpening the mind, surpassing myself without polluting thoughts
軟弱に目もくれずに 絶え間なく日々精進しても nanjaku ni memokurezu ni taemanaku hibi shoujin shite mo Being indifferent to the weak, even if the days persist to never end
揺らぎ始める固いプライド yuragi hajimeru katai PURAIDO The solid pride that starts to fluctuate
誰も知らないこの逆サイド daremo shiranai kono gyaku SAIDO No one knows about this opposite side
TRY TRY 開きだす勇気の扉 TRY TRY hiraki dasu yuuki no tobira Try, Try, the door of courage opens up
君が教えてくれた未来 kimi ga oshiete kureta mirai The future that you showed to me
逆境にいても 大逆転のチャンスあり gyakkyou ni itemo daigyakuten no CHANSU ari Even in calamity, there's always a chance for a big turn-over
生懸命頑張って 当たって砕けてしまっても isshoukenmei ganbatte atatte kudakete shimatte mo Doing the best I can do, even if I was hit and broke apart
立ち上がって次への一手 修行がもの言う恋愛至上 tachiagatte tsugi e no itte shugyo ga mono iu ren'aishijou I'll stand up and go to the next, training is said to be a romance sovereignty
歴然 乙女は無敵です 可憐にしぶとく勇ましく rekizen otome wa muteki desu karen ni shibutoku isamashiku Obvious maidens are invincible, so lovely, so obstinate, so courageous
本当の笑顔を見せて 百花繚乱で照らしたら hontou no egao o misete hyakka ryouran de terashitara Show me your true smile, and if I shine as much as a hundred flowers
いつかまた君に逢いたい itsuka mata kimi ni aitai One day, I want to meet you again
一生懸命頑張って 当たって砕けてしまっても isshoukenmei ganbatte atatte kudakete shimatte mo Doing the best I can do, even if I was hit and broke apart
立ち上がって次への一手 修行がもの言う恋愛至上 tachiagatte tsugi e no itte shugyo ga mono iu ren'aishijou I'll stand up and go to the next, training is said to be a romance sovereignty
歴然 乙女は無敵です 可憐にしぶとく勇ましく rekizen otome wa muteki desu karen ni shibutoku isamashiku Obvious maidens are invincible, so lovely, so obstinate, so courageous
本当の笑顔を見せて 百花繚乱で照らしたら hontou no egao o misete hyakka ryouran de terashitara Show me your true smile, and if I shine as much as a hundred flowers
いつかまた君に逢いたい itsuka mata kimi ni aitai One day, I want to meet you again
心技体Love×SAMURAIガール shingitai Love×SAMURAI GAARU Heart, skill, body Love×SAMURAI girl
はじけたいLove×More Try Girl hajiketai Love×More Try Girl Bursting Love×More Try Girl
心技体Love×SAMURAIガール shingitai Love×SAMURAI GAARU Heart, skill, body Love×SAMURAI girl
はじけたいLove×More Try Girl hajiketai Love×More Try Girl Bursting Love×More Try Girl

Listen now[]
