Please Take Care of My Love! | |
Info | |
Kanji Title | 恋、ヨロシクお願いします! |
Romaji Title | Koi, Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! |
Title | Please take care of my love! |
Band | Citron |
Opening Song # | 2 |
Starting Episode | Shining Star |
Ending Episode | Shining Star |
Opening Song Guide | |
Previous God Only Knows |
Next God Only Knows |
Please Take Care of My Love! is the special opening song of the anime adaptation of The World God Only Knows.
Song Guide[]
Lime's part
Yuri's part
Kanon's part
All 3
Japanese/Kanji Lyrics | Romanized Lyrics | Translated Lyrics |
キラキラした ライムソーダの泡のように | Kirakira shita RAIMU SOODA no awa no you ni | Like the bubbles of the sparkling lime soda |
はじけている私のキモチ 受け止めて欲しい | Hajiketeiru watashi no kimochi uketomete hoshii | my bursting feelings I want you to catch them |
音楽室 カノンの調べ泣けちゃうほど | Ongakushitsu KANON no shirabe nakechau hodo | In the music room, the melody of the Canon |
せつないのは キミのせいです(キミのせいです) | Setsunai nowa kimi no sei desu (kimi no sei desu) | The reason it's painful enough to cry is because of you (because of you) |
風に揺れている ゆりのつぼみも | Kaze ni yureteiru YURI no tsubomi mo | Swaying in the wind, the bud of a lily |
ちょっと照れて 目覚めはじめたみたい | Chotto terete mizame hajimeta mitai | A bit embarassed, it seems to have awaken |
はじめまして どうぞヨロシク | Hajimemashite, douzo yoroshiku! | Nice to meet you, please enjoy your time |
恋、お願いします! | Koi, onegaishimasu! | I ask for your love |
きゅんと急展開 Boy meets girl | Kyun to, kyun tenkai, BOY MEETS GIRL | Throbbing, the throbbing developement, BOY MEETS GIRL |
色づきながら | irozuki nagara | While changing colors |
開く花びら | hiraku hanabira | The flowers opens up |
いつかキミに見せたい | itsuka kimi ni misetai | One day I want to show you |
一緒に トキメキ 咲かせてください☆ | ishonni, tokimeki sakasete kudasai☆ | Together, please make my heart-throbs bloom☆ |
となりの席 居眠りしてる 横顔を | tonari no seki inemuri shiteru yokogao o | The face of the you is sleeping in the next seat |
のぞいてたら 目と目があって 微笑んでくれた | Nozoitetara me to me ga atte hohoende kureta | When I look at it, our eyes meet and you smile at me |
日曜日に 映画見に行く | nichiyoubi ni eiga mi ni iku | To watch a movie on Sunday |
約束して 「夢かもっ?」ってほっぺつねった(ほっぺつねった) | Yakusoku shite 「yume kamo?」-tte hoppe tsuneta (hoppe tsuneta) | Making the promise, I think "Is this a dream", as I pinch my cheek (pinch my cheek) |
並んで座った シートの距離が | narande suwatta SHIITO no kyori ga | The distance of the line-up sheets |
かなり近い 鼓動ドキドキ しちゃう | kanari chikai kodou dokidoki shichau | A fairly nearby heartbeat, I feel excited |
こんな私 だけどヨロシク | konna watashi dakedo yoroshiku | Even though it's me, enjoy the time |
恋、お願いします! | koi, onegaishimasu! | I ask for your love! |
じゅんと純情派 Fall in love | Jun to junjouha Fall in love | A group of semi-pure hearts, Fall in love |
あなたといると | anata to iru to | When I'm with you |
どんな場面も | donna bamen mo | No matter what setting |
全部 スペシャルバージョン | zenbu SUPESHARU BAAJON | All of them are special versions |
笑顔 永久保存版なの☆ | egao eikyuu hozonban nano☆ | Our smile is always a preserved version☆ |
らいむです | Raimu desu | I'm Lime. |
ゆりです | Yuri desu | I'm Yuri. |
かのんです | Kanon desu | I'm Kanon. |
3人合わせて シトロンです | Sannin awasete, shitoron desu | With us three together, we are Citron. |
偶然ふれあう 手のひらの温度 | guuzen fureau te no hira no ondo | The warmth of our palms that coincidentally touch |
そっとつなぐ指先 | sotto tsunagu yubisaki | Our fingers slowly intertwine |
涙こぼれそう | namida kobore sou | I feel like crying |
Be with you | Be with you | Be with you |
こんな私 だけどヨロシク | konna watashi dakedo yoroshiku | Even though it's me, enjoy the time |
恋、お願いします! | Koi, onegaishimasu! | I ask for your love! |
きっと 最後はハッピーエンド | kitto saigo wa HAPPI ENDO! | Surely, the end will be a Happy End! |
ヨロシクお願いします! | yoroshiku onegaishimasu! | I'll leave everything in your hands! |
- The ~Reminiscence~ version of the song is the no-lyrics, softer-tone version of the original. It's available in the TWGOK soundtrack CD album.
- The full version is only available with the limited edition of ROUTE 4.0 of the DVD/Blu-Ray releases, which was on the 11th of May, 2011.
- In the first three verses, each girl makes a reference to themselves. (Lime: sparkling LIME soda; Kanon: melody of the CANON; Yuri: bud of a LILY)
Listen Now[]
神のみぞ知るセカイ TWGOK IS 5 - 「恋、ヨロシクお願いします!」
In-Anime Ver.
神のみぞ知るセカイサントラ31 「恋、ヨロシクお願いします!~追憶~」
~Reminiscence~ ver.
『Koi, Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu!』