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NAKED GENIUS is an original song sung by Saori Hayami, as Haqua du Lot Herminium.



Kanji Title ネイキッド天才
Romaji Title Nakkedo Tensai
English Title Naked Genius
Song Type Character Song
Character Haqua
Seiyū Saori Hayami
Album Kaminomi Character Song- Track OO

Greetings from Special Agents Elysia de Lute Ima and Haqua d'rot Herminium

Release Date June 8, 2011


Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
予定調和乱す風が yoteichouwa mitasu kaze ga The harmonicly arranged disturbing wind
暗闇から手招きをする... kurayami kara temaneki o suru... beckons from the darkness...
完璧な私にミスなんてありえない kanpekina watashi ni MISU nante arienai I can't forgive myself if the perfect me makes a miss
でも仕方ないから遊んであげる☆ demo shikata nai kara asonde ageru☆ But it cannot be helped, so I'll play along☆
「ケイカクドオリジャナイケド」 「keikaku doori janai kedo」 "Even though it's not according to plan"
見透かされてゆく その冷静なEYE(愛)に misukasareteyuku sono reiseina EYE(ai) ni In that calm eye(love) that I've seen through
アマノジャク 態度はウラハラ AMANOJAKU taido wa URAHARA A demonic attitude is ironic
「ソウ、ヒトリデモヘイキ」 「sou, hitori demo heiki」 "Yes, I am fine by myself"
強がっていても それは過去のマニュアル tsuyogatteitemo sore wa kako no MANYUARU Even if I try to bluff, that's part of the manual of the past
NAKED GENIUS 甘くみないで! NAKED GENIUS amakuminaide! Do not look lightly upon a Naked Genius!
いつかは言わせたい itsuka wa iwasetai One day, I'll make you say it
You Win! You Win! You Win! You Win! You Win! You Win! You Win! You Win! You Win! You Win! You Win! You Win!
不確定要素が高い fukakuteki youso ga takai There's a lot of elements with no reason
恋というゲームは続くの... koi to iu GEEMU wa tsuzuku no... This game called love, will it continue on...
満点じゃないならZEROと変わらないわ manten janai nara ZERO to kawaranai wa If it's not a full score, it's no different than a zero
築き上げたセオリー ある意味無意味 kizukiageta SEORI aru imi muimi A reason built upon theory has no meaning
「ワタシニキョウミモチナサイ」 「watashi ni kyoumi mochinasai」 "Hold some interest towards me, please"
見つめられるたび また魅かれてくEYE(愛)に mitsumerareru tabi mata hikareteku EYE(ai) ni In that eye(love) that's again charming when I look at you
着飾ったプライド脱がされ kikazatta PURAIDO nugasare I take off my decorated pride
「イマ、ムホウビナワタシ」 「ima, muhoubina watashi」 "Right now, I'm not a pretty woman"
隠しきれてない この赤裸々なREAL kakushikiretenai kono sekirara REAL I am not hiding this stark naked reality
NAKED GENIUS 素直になって NAKED GENIUS sunao ni natte As a Naked Genius, I'll become honest
不器用な私に bukiyouna watashi ni I'll say to my unskilled self
Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye!
「ケイカクドオリジャナイケド」 「keikaku doori janai kedo」 "Even though it's not according to plan"
見透かされてゆく その冷静なEYE(愛)に misukasareteyuku sono reiseina EYE(ai) ni In that calm eye(love) that I've seen through
アマノジャク 態度はウラハラ AMANOJAKU taido wa URAHARA A demonic attitude is ironic
「ソウ、ヒトリデモヘイキ」 「sou, hitori demo heiki」 "Yes, I am fine by myself"
強がっていても それは過去のマニュアル tsuyogatteitemo sore wa kako no MANYUARU Even if I try to bluff, that's part of the manual of the past
NAKED GENIUS 甘くみないで! NAKED GENIUS amakuminaide! Do not look lightly upon a Naked Genius!
「ワタシニキョウミモチナサイ」 「watashi ni kyoummi mochinasai」 "Hold some interest towards me, please"
見つめられるたび また魅かれてくEYE(愛)に mitsumerareru tabi mata hikareteku EYE(ai) ni In that eye(love) that's again charming when I look at you
着飾ったプライド脱がされ kikazatta PURAIDO nugasare I take off my decorated pride
「イマ、ムホウビナワタシ」 「ima, muhoubina watashi」 "Right now, I'm not a pretty woman"
隠しきれてない この赤裸々なREAL kakushiretenai kono akahadakana REAL I am not hiding this stark naked reality
NAKED GENIUS 素直になって NAKED GENIUS sunao ni natte As a Naked Genius, I'll become honest
不器用な私に bukiyouna watashi ni I'll say to my unskilled self
Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye!

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NAKED GENIUS by Haqua (CV. Saori Hayami)
