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My Color

My Color

English Title My Color
Song Type Character Song
Character Jun
Seiyū Aki Toyosaki
Album Kaminomi Character Song- Track 7
Release Date June 22, 2011

My Color is an original song sung by Aki Toyosaki, as Jun Nagase.


Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
Shine Shine Shine
真っ白な 果てしないキャンパスに描く未来 masshirona hateshinai KYANBASU ni egaku mirai Painting upon the boundless and pure white campus
Tryin' Tryin’ Tryin'
どうやって どんな色で 今日を彩ってゆこう dou yatte donna iro de kyou wo irodotteyukou How and with which color shall I color it today
ひとつ ひとつを hitotsu hitotsu wo One by one
積み重ねながら がんばる日々 tsumikasanenagara ganbaru hibi I pile them up, I'll do my best everyday
小さな頃から 目指してた夢に chiisana koro kara mezashiteta yume ni To the dream I've always aimed for since I was young
今 向かって ima mukatte I head for it now
理想を追い駆けるほど 現実は厳しいけれど risou wo oikakeru hodo genjitsu ha kibishii kedo Though the ideal I run after is just as rigid as reality
ずっと ずっと 信じつづけて zutto zutto shinjitsudzuke I'll always, always continue to believe in it
Shine Shine Shine
見上げれば どこまでも広がる まぶしい空 miagereba doko made mo hirogaru mabushii sora The dazzling sky will forever be open as long as I look up
Flyin' Flyin’ Flyin'
どこだって 今ならば行けそうな気がしているよ doko datte ima naraba ikesouna ki ga shiteiru yo right now, I feel like I can go anywhere
君が心に描きつづけてる kimi ga kokoro ni egakitsudzuketeru You continue to paint within your heart
夢はどんな? yume ha donna? What is that dream?
そばにいるだけで なんだか笑顔が soba ni iru dake de nandaka egao ga Just by being beside you, I can smile
ほら あふれて hora afurete Look, it overflows
理想も遠くはなくて 現実に届きそうで risou mo tooku ha nakute genjitsu ni todokisou de The ideal doesn't seem so far away, it might reach reality
そっと そっと この手のばして sotto sotto kono te nobashite Slowly and slowly I reach out my hand
Shine Shine Shine
気がつけば いつでも隣には 君の笑顔 ki ga tsukeba itsudemo tonari ni ha kimi no egao If I look carefully, your smile is always beside me
Tryin' Tryin’ Tryin'
何だって 一緒なら出来そうな気がしているよ nandatte issho nara dekisouna ki ga shiteiru yo I feel like I can do anything as long as we are together
Shine Shine Shine
鮮やかに 果てしないキャンパスに描く未来 azayaka ni hateshinai KYANBASU ni egaku mirai Painting upon the boundless and vivid campus
Fryin' Flyin’ Fryin'
いつだって 七色のrainbowを架けたら 明日へ itsudatte nanairo rainbow wo kaketara asu he Whenever the seven-colored rainbow appears, it'll be for tomorrow
Shine Shine Shine
見上げれば どこまでも広がる まぶしい空 miagereba doko made mo hirogaru mabushii sora The dazzling sky will forever be open as long as I look up
Tryin' Tryin’ Tryin'
輝いて 私らしいcolorで彩ってゆくよ kagayaite watashi rashii color de irodoteyuku yo I will shine and paint it in the color that's like me

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TWGOK season 2 II single by Jun Nagase (Yui k-on) My Color
