The World God Only Knows Wiki
More! MORE! Heartbeat

More! MORE! Heartbeat

Title More! MORE! Heartbeat
Kanji Title もっと!モット!ときめき
Romaji Title Motto! MOTTO! Tokimeki
English Title More! MORE! Heartbeat
Song Type Insert Song
Character Keima Katsuragi
Seiyū Hiro Shimono
Album Kaminomi Character CD - God track

The World God Only Knows - Character Cover Album ~ Song Selection by Wakaki Tamiki(Special Edition)

Release Date March 14, 2012

More! MORE! Heartbeat is from the Kaminomi Character CD - God track. It is also included in The World God Only Knows - Character Cover Album ~ Song Selection by Wakaki Tamiki.


Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
好きとか 嫌いとか suki to ka kirai to ka I wonder who
最初に言い出したのは saisho ni iidashita no ha was the first one to say
誰なのかしら dare nano kashira either "like" or "hate"
駆け抜けて行く kakenukete yuku But it keeps on running forward
私のメモリアル watashi no MEMORIARU My memorial
今日も鏡のまえで kyou mo kagami no mae de Standing before the mirror again today
髪をとかして kami o tokashite I comb my hair
ピンクのリップは Sweet Magic PINKU no RIPPU ha Sweet Magic Putting on my pink lipstick of sweet magic
とっておきのコロン totteoki no KORON Along with my favorite perfume
さ•さ•や•き sa sa ya ki Whispering,
キ•ラ•メ•キ KI RA ME KI Twinkling,
ド•キ•ド•キ DO KI DO KI Heart throbbing
大好き daisuki And so beloved,
あなただけに見つめて欲しい anata dake ni mitsumete hoshii I want you to be the only one gazing at me
(Take the Chance) 仕上げは上出来 (Take the Chance) shiage ha joudeki (Take the Chance!) The finishing touches are perfect
(Tell Your Heart) 準備はOK (Tell Your Heart) junbi ha OK (Tell your Heart!) I'm all set
ステキな予感そよ風に乗せ SUTEKI na yokan soyokaze ni nose A wonderful premonition rides the breeze
(Try Your Luck) 制服のリボン (Try Your Luck) seifuku no RIBON (Try your Luck!) The ribbon of my uniform
(Tell Your Love) 結び直したら (Tell Your Love) musubi naoshitara (Tell your Love!) I fix it back into place
今日こそ言えそう"Love me please•••" kyou koso iesou "Love me please..." I feel I can tell you today, "Love me please..."
わたしのこの想い watashi no kono omoi These feelings of mine,
あなたは気付いているの? anata ha kizuiteiru no? Did you notice them?
気付いてないの? kizuite nai no? Or did you not?
おしえてあげる oshiete ageru Then I'll show you
ときめきメモリアル tokimeki MEMORIARU My heartbeat memorial
そっと机の中に sotto tsukue no naka ni Slowly into your desk
手紙しのばせ tegami shinobase I slip in my letter,
願いをこめて White Magic negai o komete White Magic deeply wishing with White Magic
とっておきの勇気 totteoki no yuuki along with my greatest courage
や•さ•し•く yasashiku You, who's kindly
ほ•ほ•え•む hohoemu Smiling at me,
あ•な•た•が大好き anataga daisuki So I love you so much
熱い視線 感じるほどに私のハ-ト 感じて欲しい atsui shisen kanjiru hodo ni watashi no HAATO kanjite hoshii I want you to feel my heart, so much that I would feel your hot gaze
(Take the Chance) きっと来てくれる (Take the Chance) kitto kite kureru (Take the Chance!) I'm sure you will come
(Tell Your Heart) 信じているから (Tell Your Heart) shinjiteiru kara (Tell your Heart!) Because I believe in it
この木の下で あなたを待つわ kono ki no shita de anata o matsuwa So I wait under this tree for you
(Try Your Luck) 仕上げは上出来 (Try Your Luck) shiage ha joudeki (Try your Luck!) The finishing touches are perfect
(Tell Your Love) 準備は OK  (Tell Your Love) junbi ha OK (Tell your Love!) I'm all set
今日こそ言えそう "Love me please•••" kyou koso iesou "Love me please..." I feel I can tell you today, "Love me please..."
さ•さ•や•き sasayaki Whispering,
キ•ラ•メ•キ KIRAMEKI Twinkling,
ド•キ•ド•キ DOKIDOKI Heart throbbing
大好き daisuki And so beloved,
あなただけに見つめて欲しい anata dake ni mitsumete hoshii I want you to be the only one gazing at me!
(Take the Chance) 仕上げは上出来 (Take the Chance) shiage ha joudeki (Take the Chance!) The finishing touches are perfect
(Tell Your Heart) 準備はOK (Tell Your Heart) junbi ha OK (Tell your Heart!) I'm all set
(Throw Your Charm) ステキな予感そよ風に乗せ (Throw Your Charm) SUTEKI na yokan soyokaze ni nose (Throw Your Charm!) A wonderful premonition rides the breeze
(そ•し•て) (Soshite) (And also)
(Try Your Luck) 制服のリボン (Try Your Luck) seifuku no RIBON (Try your Luck!) The ribbon of my uniform
(Tell Your Love) 結び直したら (Tell Your Love) musubi naoshitara (Tell your Love!) I fix it back into place
今日こそ言えそう "Love me please•••" kyou koso iesou "Love me please..." I feel I can tell you today, "Love me please..."
(Take the Chance) ときめきの予感 (Take the Chance) tokimeki no yokan (Take the Chance!) This premonition of heart throbs
(Tell Your Heart) 駆けてくるあなた (Tell Your Heart) kaketekuru anata (Tell your Heart!) You come running towards me
(Throw Your Charm) 自分でもわかる 胸の高鳴り (Throw Your Charm) jibun demo wakaru mune no takanari (Throw your Charm!) Even I can tell that my heart is racing now
(だ•か•ら) (Dakara) (That is why)
(Try Your Luck) 深呼吸ひとつ (Try Your Luck) shin kokyuu hitotsu (Try your Luck!) I take a deep breath,
(Tell Your Love) 勇気を出して (Tell Your Love) yuuki o dashite (Tell your Love!) And brave myself,
確かな声で "Love me please•••" tashikana koe de "Love me please..." To tell you with a clear voice, "Love me please..."

Listen now[]


  • The original version sung by:
    • Mami Kingetsu (Original).
    • Junko Noda ('99 ver; TokiMemo 2 Image Song).
    • Hibikino Happy Project ('99 ver; TokiMemo 3 Insert Song).
    • Akemi Kanda (2001 ver; TokiMemo 3 Insert Song).
  • The backing vocal is primarily sung by Kanae Itou, Japanese voice actor of Elsie.