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It's All Right (Song)

It's All Right (Song)

Kanji Title It's All Right
Romaji Title It's All Right
English Title It's All Right
Song Type Character Song
Character Chihiro
Seiyū Kana Asumi
Album Kaminomi Character Song- Track 6
Release Date June 15, 2011

It's All Right is an original song sung by Kana Asumi as Chihiro Kosaka.


Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
ずっと 好きな歌を zutto sukina uta wo I always endlessly
何度も 何度も エンドレスで nandomo nandomo ENDORESU de repeat my favorite song time and time again
ほんと コイバナとか honto KOIBANA toka Seriously, when it comes to talking about love
語っても 語っても とまんなくて katattemo katattemo tomannakute no matter how much I talk I can't stop
夢も 恋も 簡単には うまくいかないけど yume mo koi mo kantan ni wa umaku ikanai kedo My dreams, and love, don't go well
ボリュームをフルに上げてこう BORYU-MU wo FURU ni agetekou So I pump up the volume all the way up!
One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four
とりあえず もっと楽しまなきゃ toriaezu motto tanoshimanakya Anyway, I gotta have more fun!
だって へこんでいたって なんかもったいないから datte hekonde itatte nanka mottainai kara Because you see, if I'm just feeling down, it'll be a waste!
とりあえず ちょっとやってみなくちゃ toriaezu chotto yateminakucha Anyway, I have to try a bit more,
ドキドキすることが これから待ってるかも?! DOKI DOKI suru koto ga kore kara matteru kamo!? perhaps something that excites me is waiting for me!?
昨日より今日が ほら 笑えたなら It's All Right kinou yori kyou ga hora waraetanara It’s All Right Today, if I smile more than I did yesterday, It's All Right!
ちょっと 君のことが chotto kimi no koto ga It seems like
なんだか なんだか 気になるから nandaka nandaka ki ni naru kara I'm interested in you for some reason
もっと いろんなこと motto ironna koto If only I could talk with you
一緒に 一緒に 話せたなら issho ni issho ni hanasetanara more and more about lots of things...
君を 君を 想うだけで 毎日ときめいて kimi wo kimi wo omou dake de mainichi tokimeite Just by thinking of you, my day is more exciting
まわりのノイズも消えてく mawari no NOIZU mo kieteku and the noise around me quiets down
One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four
とりあえず ちゃんと楽しまなきゃ toriaezu chanto tanoshimanakya Anyway, I gotta have more fun!
だって 悩んでいたって なんかつまらないから datte nayande ittate nanka tsumaranai kara Because you see, if I'm just worrying, it'll be boring!
とりあえず ちょっと言ってみなくちゃ toriaezu chotto itteminakucha Anyway, I have to try to say it,
キラキラすることに これから逢えるかも?! KIRA KIRA suru koto ni kore kara aeru kamo!? and perhaps I'll meet that something that will makes me shine?
ダメもとで砕けても それはそれで It's All Right DAME moto de kudaketemo sore wa sore de It’s All Right Even if I fail from trying while having nothing to lose, It's All Right!
とりあえず もっと楽しまなきゃ toriaezu motto tanoshimanakya Anyway, I gotta have more fun!
だって へこんでいたって なんかもったいないから datte hekonde ittate naka mottainai kara Because you see, if I'm just feeling down, it'll be a waste!
とりあえず ちょっとやってみなくちゃ toriaezu chotto yatteminakucha Anyway, I have to try a bit more,
ドキドキすることが これから待ってるかも!! DOKI DOKI suru koto ga kore kara matteru kamo!! perhaps something that excites me is waiting for me!?
今日よりも明日が ほら 輝くなら It's All Right kyou yori mo asu ga hora kagayaku nara It’s All Right If tomorrow feels brighter than yesterday, It's All Right!
It's All Right It's All Right It's All Right!

Listen Now[]


It's All Right - Chihiro Kosaka (CV. Asumi Kana)
