The World God Only Knows Wiki
Feigning Sunset

Feigning Sunset

Kanji Title つよがりサンセット
Romaji Title Tsuyogari Sansetto
English Title Feigning Sunset
Song Type Jpop
Character Haqua du Lot Herminium & Hinagiku Katsura
Seiyū Saori Hayami & Shizuka Itō
Album 桂ヒナギク&ハクア starring 伊藤 静&早見沙織「Advance」
Release Date Feb 13, 2013

Feigning Sunset is an original song sung by Saori Hayami as Haqua du Lot Herminium & Shizuka Itō as Hinagiku Katsura.

Song Guide[]

Haqua's part
Hinagiku's part


Translations: Green Moriyama or Taka.

Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
大空にひろがるオレンジ 忙しい今日が終わってゆく Ōzora ni hirogaru orenji isogashī kyō ga owatte yuku Orange spreads in the large sky as a busy day ends
あの夜についたため息に キミはきっと気づかないね Ano yoru ni tsuita tameiki ni kimi wa kitto kidzukanai ne I'm sure you will not notice the sigh I made that night
My love for you. ひとりごとなら My love for you. Hitori-gotonara My love for you. If this is a monologue
Your love for me. 素直になれるのに Your love for me. Sunawo ni narerunoni Your love for me. Even though I can become honest
せつない鼓動のリズム 人知れず響かせるだけ… Setsunai kodō no rizumu hitoshirezu hibikaseru dake… The rhythm of the lonely heartbeats echoes without anyone knowing
「アイタイ…」なんて言わない 「Aitai…」 nante iwanai "I want to see you...." I won't say it
震える肩は 春風のせい Furueru kata wa harukaze no sei My shoulder shakes because of the spring breeze
坂道にひとりの影法師 Sakamichi ni hitori no kagebōshi With one shadow on the uphill
いちばん星を見上げた Ichibanhoshi wo miageta looking up at the first star of the night
つよがりサンセット Tsuyogari Sansetto The feigning sunset
負けるのがキライな私も キミにだけ勝てる気がしないの Makeru no ga kiraina watashi mo kimi ni dake kateru ki ga shinai no While I hate to lose, I feel like I can't win against you
悔しいよ。冷たくされてもすぐに許してしまうから Kuyashī yo. Tsumetaku sa rete mo sugu ni yurushite shimaukara I hate this feeling. Even if I act cold, you keep forgiving me
Do you love me? そばにいたって Do you love me? Soba ni itatte Do you love me? Even when I'm next to you
Because love you.微笑みが遠くて Because love you. Hohoemi ga tōkute Because love you. Your smile is far away
過ぎゆく季節の中で 届かない想い溢れる… Sugi yuku kisetsu no naka de todokanai omoi afureru… Within the passing seasons, my unreaching feelings overflow...
「ウンメイ…」なんて知らない 「Unmei…」 nante shiranai "Fate..." I don't know what it is
赤い糸なら 結び直すわ Akai itonara musubi naosu wa If it's a red thread, I'll retie it
夕映えにちぎれる雲ふたつ Yūbae ni chigireru kumo futatsu A cloud dispereses into two in the sunset
それは伝えられない Sore wa tsutae rarenai I cannot tell it to you
心のリグレット (My love for you) Kokoro no riguretto (My love for you) My heart's regret (My love for you)
「イトシイ…」気持ちとずっと 「Itoshii…」 kimochi to zutto "Beloved..." Forever these feelings
寄り添いながら 歩いてゆこう Yorisoinagara aruite yukou I'll keep them close and walk forward
瞳からあふれそうな煌めき Hitomi kara afure-sōna kirameki Glitter seems to flow from your eyes
流れ星に願った Nagareboshi ni negatta Wishing upon the shooting star
未来のシルエット Mirai no shiruetto The silhouette of the future

Listen Now[]


02. つよがりサンセット 桂ヒナギク&ハクア starring 伊藤静&早見沙織
