The World God Only Knows Wiki
Catch The Rainbow

Catch The Rainbow

Kanji Title キャッチ・ザ・レインボー
Romaji Title Kyatchi Za Reinbō
English Title Catch The Rainbow
Song Type Character CD
Character 2-B Pencils & The lunch lady
Seiyū Kana Asumi and Yuko Gibu
Album 2B Pencils - The Memories of My First Love album
Release Date September 25, 2013

Catch The Rainbow is the character song of 2-B Pencils


  • Vocal: Chihiro Kosaka starring Kana Asumi.
  • Background Vocal: Lunch lady starring Yuko Gibu.
  • Bass: Kurosu Katsuhiko.
  • Guitar: Watanabe Takuya , Shimizu Teppei.
  • Keyboard: Kawasaki Satomi.
  • Drums: Ogasawara Takumi.

Song Guide[]

Chihiro's part
Lunch lady's part


Translated by GreenMoriyama

Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
ウェルカム 乙女の青春 Uerukamu otome no seishun Welcome to the youth of a maiden
上を向いて歩こう Ue wo muite arukou Walk on while looking upwards
雨降った空に Ame futta sora ni In the sky that rained
かがやく レインボー Kagayaku reinbō There's a shining rainbow
さえない天気予報 Saenai tenki yohō The unclear weather forcast
まだしばらく雨だって Mada shibaraku ame datte Says that for now, it'll still rain
売店に行っても Baiten ni itte mo Even when I go to the food stand
オムそばパン、 売り切れ(すまないねぇ~) Omu soba pan, urikire (sumanai nē ~) The omelet-soba bread are sold out (My apologies~)
あいつの姿も 今日は見えない  Aitsu no sugata mo kyō wa mienai I can't find where he is today again
どこ行った! Doko itta! Where did he go!?
まとなりについてく イライラ気分 Matonari ni tsuiteku ira ira kibun The upsetting feeling that followed closely
そんなとき 腕をふって Son'na toki ude o futte At that time you waved your hand
走って、怒って、バシ! と、蹴っ飛ばして Hashitte, okotte, bashi! To, ketto bashite You ran, became upset, and kicked him with a "Bam!"
笑えばもう 、全部 、イッツオーライ! Waraeba mō, zenbu, ittsu ōrai! If you smile, then everything is alright!
ウェルカム 乙女の青春 Uerukamu otome no seishun Welcome to the youth of a maiden
上を向いて歩こう Ue wo muite arukou Walk on while looking upwards
雨降った空に Ame futta sora ni In the sky that rained
かがやく レインボー Kagayaku reinbō There's a shining rainbow
いいこと Ii koto Good things
やなことすべてが Ya na koto subete ga and bad things, all of it
私を変えてく Watashi o kaete ku They all change me
明日はいい日 Ashita wa ii hi Tomorrow will be a good day
みえるよ レインボー Mieru yo reinbō I can see the rainbow
売店じゃ今日も Baiten ja kyō mo Again today at the food stand
オムそばパン、 売り切れ(ごめんねぇ~) Omu soba pan, urikire (gomen nē ~) The omelet-soba bread are sold out (I'm so sorry~)
帰り道ひとり 大声叫ぶ 「バッキャロー」 (バッキャロー) Kaerimichi hitori ōgoe sakebu "bakkyarō" (bakkyarō) On the way home, you shouted out "You moron!" loudly (You moron!)
泣き疲れて Naki tsukarete and cried until you were tired of it
食べて 脱いで 眠って 起きて 髪型 Tabete nuide nemutte okite kamigata If you eat, change your clothes, sleep, wake up
きめればもう、全部、イッツオーケイ! Kimereba mō, zenbu, ittsu ōkei! and choose your hairstyle, then everything is alright!
カモンべイビー Kamon beibī Come'on Baby
どしゃぶりの日だって Do shaburi no hi datte Even when it's a downpour
立ち止まっちゃられない Tachido matcha rarenai My future self just won't
未来の私  Mirai no watashi stop, stand and wait around
早く会いたいで Hayaku aitai de Because I want to meet you soon
いいこと Ii koto Good things
やなことすべてが Ya na koto subete ga and bad things, all of it
力にかわってく Chikara ni kawatte ku They become my strength
明日はいい日 Ashita wa ii hi Tomorrow will be a good day
つかむよ レインボー Tsukamu yo reinbō I'll grab that rainbow
「おばちゃんさーオムそばバンいつも売り切れてんじゃん」 「Oba-chan-sa omu soba ban itsumo urikire tenjan」 "You know, Ms. Lunch Lady, the omelet-soba bread are always sold out."
「あんた!運がいいよ、最後の1個 、まだ残ってたよ!」 「Anta! Un ga ii yo, saigo no ikko, mada nokotsu teta yo!」 "Your luck today is good, because there is still one left!"
「えーラッキー!1つちょうだい!」 「Eh ! rakkī ! hitotsu chōdai!」 "Eh! Lucky me! One please then!"
「はい 、オムそばバン1個 、100億万円ー!」 「Hai, Omu soba ban ikko, hyaku oku man en!」 "Here, one omelet-soba bread will be 100 trillion yen!"
見上げた星空 私は Miageta hoshi zora watashi wa As I look at the nightsky,
小さくきらめく Chīsaku kirameku Which makes me make a small shine
ほっぺの熱さ Hoppe no atsu-sa And the warmth of my cheeks
生きてる感じ Iki teru kanji Makes me feel alive
ウェルカム Uerukamu Welcome
平凡な乙女の無敵な青春 Heibon na otome no mutekina seishun to the invincible youth of a normal maiden
いつだって負けない! Itsu datte makenai! We will never lose!
キュッとVサインで Kyutto to bui-sain de While we make that "V" sign with our hand
いいこと Ii koto Good things
やなことすべてが Ya na koto subete ga and bad things, all of it
力にかわってく Chikara ni kawatte ku They become my strength
明日はいい日 Ashita wa ii hi Tomorrow will be a good day
つかむよ レインボー (つかむよ レインボー) Tsukamu yo reinbō (Tsukamu yo reinbō) I'll grab that rainbow (I'll grab that rainbow)
タンタンタンタンタンタカタターンタカタターン Tan tan tan tan tan takata tān takata tān Tan tan tan tan tan takata tān takata tān

Listen Now[]


Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai - Catch the Rainbow 2B Pencils
