Care-filled Heart Beat! | |
Info | |
Kanji Title | Heart Beatにご用心! |
Romaji Title | Heart Beat ni goyōshin! |
English Title | Care-filled Heart Beat! |
Song Type | Character Song |
Character | Yui Goidō |
Seiyū | Ayahi Takagaki |
Album | Kaminomi Character Song- Track 10 |
Release Date | August 28, 2013 |
Care-filled Heart Beat! is an original song sung by Ayahi Takagaki as Yui Goidō.
Translated by GreenMoriyama
Japanese/Kanji Lyrics | Romanized Lyrics | Translated Lyrics |
バスドラの連打では | Basudora no rendade wa | Among the barrage upon the bass drum |
追いつかないボクの気持ち | Oitsukanai boku no kimochi | There was an emotion I couldn't follow closely |
はじめて出逢った時 | Hajimete deatta toki | The time when I first met you |
かなり運命感じてたんだ | Kanari unmei kanji tetanda | I certainly felt a feeling of destiny |
ほらね逢えは逢うほど | Hora ne ae wa au hodo | You see, as many times as we meet |
違う顔を見つけるから | Chigau kao o mitsukerukara | I am able to find a new expression you make |
すっかリキミに夢中 | Sukkari kimi ni muchū | I'm completely dreamy about you |
少しは気づいているかな? | Sukoshi wa kidzuite iru ka na? | Have you noticed it at least a bit? |
話しかけたのにそっけない態度 | Hanashikaketa noni sokkenai taido | When I tried to talk to you, you were cold to me |
追いかけすぎて嫌われたかも? | Oikake sugite kirawa reta kamo? | Did I chase you too much that you dislike me? |
ちょっと凹むけどクールなキミも | Chotto hekomukedo kūruna kimi mo | While I'm a bit depressed, but you're so cool |
やっぱり素敵さ! | Yappari suteki-sa! | Definitely you are amazing! |
胸にBang! Bang!Bang! 響いている | Mune ni Bang! Bang! Bang! Hibiite iru | My chest echoes with a "Bang! Bang! Bang!" |
刻むよ恋のリズム | Kizamu yo koi no rizumu | I'll etch the rhythm of love into it |
キミに届けLove Vibration! | Kimi ni todoke rabu Vibration! | This Love Vibration I send to you! |
もう止まらないこの鼓動は | Mō tomaranai kono kodō wa | I can't stop this heartbeats anymore |
ドキッとした瞬間 | Dokittoshita shunkan | Right when my heart skipped a beat |
ハシリだしたHeart Beatご用心! | Hashiri dashita Heart Beat goyōjin! | This care-filled Heart Beat runs off! |
たとえばもしもキミが | Tatoeba moshimokimiga | If, and only if, you are |
手に負えないような子だって | Tenioenai yona ko datte | someone who won't lose in your hand-skills |
ボクの愛の力で | Boku no ai no chikara de | With the strength of my love |
絶対すべて越えてみせる | Zettai subete koete miseru | I'll definitely surpass you in anything |
か弱い男の子を | Kayowai otokonoko o | To protect a frail boy |
一生懸命守ることが | Isshōkenmei mamoru koto ga | with all you live for |
女の子の役目さ | Onna no ko no yakume sa | that is the woman's duty |
いつでも近くにいるから | Itsu demo chikaku ni irukara | Because we are always closeby |
イマドキ最新恋愛事情 | Imadoki saishin ren'ai jijō | Based on the recently new romantic facts |
男女逆転これもアリだよ! | Danjo gyakuten kore mo aridayo! | It's also legit if the girl and boy switch roles! |
かわいい仕草でクラクラさせて | Kawaī shigusa de kurakura sa sete | I'll make you dizzy with my cute actions |
抱きしめてあげる! | Dakishimete ageru! | And embrace you! |
頬がJIN! JIN! JIN! 熱くなるよ | Hoho ga JIN! JIN! JIN! Atsuku naru yo | My cheeks goes red "Jin! Jin! Jin!" |
本気で好きなだけさ | Honki de sukinadake sa | Because I'm really in love |
もっとそばでGood Communication! | Motto soba de Good Communication! | I want some more Good Communication next to you! |
鳴り止まないドラムロール | Nari yamanai doramurōru | The drum roll that doesn't stop sounding |
心を重ねあおう | Kokoro o kasane aou | Let my heart pile it up |
キミはボクの世界一の好奇心! | Kimi wa boku no sekaiichi no kōkishin! | You are what I am most curious about in the world! |
トビラを開いた景色の向こう | Tobira o aita keshiki no mukō | Beyond the scenery I openned this gate to |
キミがいたからボクがいるんだ | Kimi ga itakara boku ga iru nda | You were there, so I am also here |
瞳に映った新しい明日ヘ | Hitomi ni utsutta atarashī ashita e | To the new tomorrow reflected in my eyes |
キミを連れてゆく! | Kimi o tsurete yuku! | I want to bring you with me! |
胸にBang! Bang!Bang! 響いている | Mune ni Bang! Bang! Bang! Hibiite iru | My chest echoes with a "Bang! Bang! Bang!" |
刻むよ恋のリズム | Kizamu yo koi no rizumu | I'll etch the rhythm of love into it |
キミに届けLove Vibration! | Kimi ni todoke rabu Vibration! | This Love Vibration I send to you! |
もう止まらないこの鼓動は | Mō tomaranai kono kodō wa | I can't stop this heartbeats anymore |
ドキッとした瞬間 | Dokittoshita shunkan | Right when my heart skipped a beat |
ハシリだしたHeart Beatご用心! | Hashiri dashita Heart Beat goyōjin! | This care-filled Heart Beat runs off! |
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Yui Goido Character Song - Heart Beat ni Goyoujin!