Normal |
Ai no Yokan | |
Info | |
Kanji Title | アイノヨカン |
Romaji Title | Ai no Yokan |
Title | Premonition Of Love |
Band | Kami nomi zo Shiri-tai |
Starting Episode | A Lone Flower Blooming |
Ending Episode | There's Always a Sun in Your Heart |
Ending Song Guide | |
Previous Dreaming Traveler of an Integrated Circuit |
Next Hajimete Koi wo Shita Kioku |
Ai no Yokan is the ending theme of the anime adaptation of the The World God Only Knows season 2 with all of the conquest characters, plus Haqua and Elsie .




Song Guide[]
Elsie's part
Haqua's part
Elsie and Haqua duo part
Kusunoki's part
Chihiro's part
Jun's part
Kusunoki, Chihiro, Jun trio part
Every one
Japanese/Kanji Lyrics | Romanized Lyrics | Translated Lyrics |
恋じゃなくて愛よ | Koi ja nakute, ai yo, | This is not love, but affection |
あなたを想うだけで せつない | Anata wo omou dakede, setsunai, | When I only think of you, it's painful |
毎日の色彩(いろ)が 鮮やかに | Mainichi no iro ga azayaka ni. | Everyday's color is always colorful |
いつか会えると 占い信じて | Itsuka aeruto, uranai shinjite, | Believing in the forecast that we'll meet |
派手なスカ一フを 胸に飾ってた | Hadena SUKAAFU wo, mune ni kazatteta. | I wore the flashy scarf over my chest |
空は青くて 小鳥がさえずる | Sora wa aokute, kotori ga saezuru, | The sky is blue, the small bird chirps |
何か始まりそう そんな予感する | Nani ka hajimarisou, sonna yokan suru. | I get that feeling that something will begin |
「好き」とは違う この感情が | 「Suki」to wa chigau, kono kanjou ga, | This feeling is different from "like" |
大人の階段上る 一歩目ね | Otona no kaidan noboru, ichi-ho-me ne. | Climbing the stairs to adulthood, this is the first step. |
昨日の私 もう脱ぎ捨てて | Kinou no watashi, mou nugisutete, | Already throwing away yesterday's me |
未知なる [未知なる] 世界へ [世界へ] 新しい誕生日 | Michinaru [michinaru], sekai e [sekai e], Atarashii Tanjoubi. | It is a new [it is a new], birthday [birthday], of the unknown world |
恋じゃなくて愛よ 誰にも渡しなくはないの | Koi janakute, ai yo, dare ni mo watashinaku wa nai no, | This is not love, but affection, I do not want to give it to anyone, |
独り占めしたい 涙があふれ出すの | Hitorijime shitai, namida ga afuredasu no. | I want to keep it to myself, as my tears overflow. |
恋じゃなくて愛よ あなただけが私のすべてよ | Koi janakute, ai yo, anata dake ga watashi no, subete yo, | This is not love, but affection, you are the only one who's my everything, |
日常の音色(おと)が きらめくの | Nichijou no oto ga kirameku no. | The daily sounds sparkle. |
空気みたいに 私に必要 | Kūki mitai ni, watashi ni hitsuyou, | Just like air, I need to have it, |
ふいに微笑んだ 笑顔 大切よ | Fui ni hohoenda, egao taisetsu yo. | Suddenly smiling, your smile is important. |
風が二人を 優して包んで | Kaze ga futari wo, yasashiku tsutsunde, | The wind gently wraps the both of us, |
奇跡起こりそうな期待 抱きしめて | Kiseki okori souna kitai, dakishimete. | Expecting a miracle to happen, embrace me. |
「好き」よりもっと 熱い気持ちが | 「Suki」yori motto, atsui kimochi ga, | A emotion that is hotter than "like", |
きれないくらいに ときめくの | Osae kirenai kurai ni, tokimeku no. | My heart throbs so much that I can't control it |
もどかしい恋 もう次のStage | Modokashii koi, mou tsugi no Stage, | An irritating love, it already the next stage |
繋がる [繋がる] 明日(あした)ヘ [明日ヘ] 新しい記念日ね | Tsunagaru [tsunagaru], ashita he [ashita he], Atarashii Kinenbi ne. | IT's a brand-new [it's a brand-new], commemoration [commemoration], for the connected tomorrow. |
「恋じゃなくて愛よ 君に届けたいのは もっと | Koi janakute, ai yo, kimi ni todoketai no wa, motto, | This is not love, but affection, what I want to give you is a more, |
果てしないキモチ抱きしめ 見つめたいの」 | Hateshinai kimochi dakishime, mitsumetai no. | Boundless feeling to embrace, I want to gaze at you. |
恋じゃなくて愛よ あなたを想うだけで せつない | Koi janakute, ai yo, anata wo omou dakede, setsunai, | This is not love, but affection, when I only think of you, it's painful |
毎日の色彩(いろ)が 鮮やかに | Mainichi no iro ga azayaka ni. | Everyday's color is always colorful |
恋きゃなくて愛よ 誰にも渡したくはないの | Koi janakute, ai yo, dare ni mo watashitaku wa nai no, | This is not love, but affection, I do not want to give it to anyone, |
独り占めしたい 涙があふれ出すの | Hitorijime shitai, namida ga afuredasu no. | I want to keep it to myself, as my tears overflow. |
恋じゃなくて愛よ あなただけが私のすべてよ | Koi janakute, ai yo, anata dake ga watashi no, subete yo, | This is not love, but affection, you are the only one who's my everything, |
日常の音色(おと)が きらめくの | Nichijou no oto ga kirameku no. | The daily sounds sparkle. |
恋じゃなくて愛よ 絶対失いたくはないの | Koi janakute, ai yo, zettai ushinaitaku wa nai no, | This is not love, but affection, I definitely do not want to lose it, |
今もでの人と 何かが違うDESTINY | Ima mo de no hito to, nani ka ga chigau DESTINY. | It's a different destiny than with the people I've been with till now |
恋じゃなくて愛よ あなたを想うだけで せつない | Koi janakute, ai yo, anata wo omou dakede, Setsunai, | This is not love, but affection, when I only think of you, it's painful |
愛してる 誰よりも 愛してる I love you 心から | Aishiteru, Dare yori mo, Aishiteru, I love you, kokoro kara. | I love you, more than anyone, I love you, I love you, from my heart |
[いや,いや,いや...] | [iya,iya, iya...] | [iya,iya, iya...] |
- For some of the character version of the song, there is some added "lyrics". This is not included in the normal version and the "special" kaketama-tai version.
- In Kusunoki's version, "Daisuki" is added at the very beginning before the music starts.
- Chihiro's version includes a "Daisuki" at the end, where the music pauses during it, followed by a soft musical end.
- Jun's version shortens the first stanza to its last line, "Mainichi no iro ga ayazaka ni", while also adding "Daisuki" during the instrumental before the second-to-last refrain.
- Haqua's version has her shouting "Daisuki" before the second-to-last refrain, similar to Jun's version but is included right before the refrain begins.
- Elsie's version includes a "Daisuki" at the end, in a similar way to Chihiro's version. The only difference is how the phrase is said in a softer manner than Chihiro's.
Listen Now[]
The World God Only Knows Season2 ending full 神のみぞ知るセカイⅡEdフル Ai no Yokan
『Ai no Yokan』 (Kusunoki Ver.)
Ai no Yokan from Haqua
『Ai no Yokan』 (Chihiro Ver.)
Ai no Yokan from Jun by Nagase Jun (CV. Toyosaki Aki)
『Ai no Yokan』 (Elsie Ver.)