The World God Only Knows Wiki


English Title Advance
Song Type Character Song
Character Haqua du Lot Herminium & Hinagiku Katsura
Seiyū Saori Hayami & Shizuka Itō
Album 桂ヒナギク&ハクア starring 伊藤 静&早見沙織「Advance」
Release Date Feb 13, 2013

Advance is an original song sung by Saori Hayami as Haqua du Lot Herminium & Shizuka Itō as Hinagiku Katsura.

Song Guide[]

Haqua's part
Hinagiku's part


Translations: Green Moriyama or Taka.

Japanese/Kanji Lyrics Romanized Lyrics Translated Lyrics
春を待ち咲き誇る 桜のように微笑んだ Haru o machi sakihokoru sakura no yō ni hohoenda Smiling like the bloomed cherry blossoms that waited for spring
揺れる羽衣ひるがえし 駆け抜けよう未来へと Yureru hagoromo hirugaeshi kakenukeyou mirai e to As the feather cloth flutters around, let's run towards the future
嘘一つもない コバルトの空 Uso hitotsu mo nai kobaruto no sora The cobalt sky without a single lie
背中押している… Senaka oshite iru… It pushes my back...
跳び越えてく Advance Tobi koete ku adobansu The Advance that flies forward
キミへと向かう Kimi e to mukau It's coming to you
疾風(かぜ)のごとく舞い上がる恋 Shippu (kaze) nogotoku maiagaru koi The love that dances like the gale (wind)
はぐれそうな Distance Hagure-sōna disutansu The Distance that feels deviated
こころのセカイ Kokoro no sekai This world of the soul
広がりだす証がある Hirogari dasu akashi ga aru There's a proof it is spreading out
明日も少女は目覚めてゆく… Ashita mo shōjo wa mezamete yuku… tomorrow also, the girl will awaken...
神のみぞ知っている 奇跡をきっと描いてく Kami nomi zo shitte iru kiseki o kitto kaite ku I'm sure you'll compose a miracle god only knows
どんな辞書にも書いてない 決心(こたえ)ならひとつなの Donna jisho ni mo kaitenai kesshin (kotae) nara hitotsu na no There is one resolution (answer) that isn't written in any dictionary
完璧なほどに 満開になる Kanpekina hodo ni mankai ni naru I'll bloom in such a perfect way
気持ちに気づいて… Kimochi ni kidzuite… Please notice my feelings...
走り出した Advance Hashiridashita adobansu The Advance that runs forward
胸のスキマに Mune no sukima ni In the gap of the heart
あふれだした愛しい想い Afure dashita itoshī omoi The beloved thoughts overflow
永遠(とわ)に続く Mebius Eien (towa) ni tsudzuku mebiusu The Mebius that continues forever
キミの笑顔で Kimi no egao de To your smiling face
二度ととけない魔法かけて Nidoto tokenai mahō kakete Casting a never-waning spell on it
やがて少女は夢を纏う… Yagate shōjo wa yume o matou Soon enough the girl will collect her dream...
「大好き…」とつぶやいた声が風の中紛れて消えた… 「Daisuki…」 to tsubuyaita koe ga kaze no naka magirete kieta… the voice that whispered "I love you..." will disperse and disappear in the wind
跳び越えてく Advance Tobi koete ku adobansu The Advance that flies forward
キミへと向かう Kimi e to mukau It's coming to you
疾風(かぜ)のごとく舞い上がる恋 Shippu (kaze) nogotoku maiagaru koi The love that dances like the gale (wind)
はぐれそうな Distance Hagure-sōna disutansu The Distance that feels deviated
こころのセカイ Kokoro no sekai This world of the soul
広がりだす証がある Hirogari dasu akashi ga aru There's a proof it is spreading out
明日も少女は目覚めてゆく… Ashita (Asu) mo shōjo wa mezamete yuku… tomorrow also, the girl will awaken...


  • The series "Hayate no Gotoku" and "The World God Only Knows" are mentioned above.

Listen Now[]


01. Advance 桂ヒナギク&ハクア starring 伊藤静&早見沙織
